The topic of finances can make a lot of people cringe or feel uncomfortable. Perhaps they do not want others to know how they are spending their money or maybe they are not aware of their entire financial picture. Regardless of the reason, when someone is approaching a divorce, the topic of finances needs to be addressed.
Someone who is facing a divorce should know what their budget is, including their household income and expenses, while also thinking about their lifestyle and standard of living. This information will be necessary for the purposes of settlement discussions and litigation, including support, alimony, etc. If one wants to maintain their standard of living post-divorce, they need to prove what that standard of living entailed, including normal monthly expenses.
We understand that, in many households, only one spouse oversees the majority of finances. If one finds themselves in a divorce situation and they need to document the details of their financial picture, consulting with an experienced divorce attorney should be the first step, in addition to the following: