When it comes to divorce, most people would prefer a smooth, peaceful process versus one that is unnecessarily drawn out. Even if one’s situation is overly complicated, such as including high net worth individual(s) or those with a long list of assets and business interests, there are still ways to help keep the peace.
For those that would prefer the more peaceful route, we put together the following 5 tips that one can consider to help their divorce process go smoothly:
- Consider All Types of Divorce Processes – One way to help the process go smoothly is to ensure the right divorce process is being used. There is the traditional divorce process, which involves relying on the court to make the final decisions, and there are non-traditional processes such as mediation and collaborative law where those getting a divorce explore more avenues outside of litigation. If it is not clear which process is best for one’s situation, leaning on an experienced divorce attorney that can provide a recommendation is a great next step.
- Be Flexible – If someone goes into the divorce process with the mindset that they will be open to considering different perspectives versus just their own, the outcome will likely be more peaceful than if that person enters the process with a closed mind. Try to be flexible, while still standing firm on issues and matters that are most important.
- Take Care of Yourself – It is especially important for someone going through a divorce to put their mental and physical health first. Doing so will help them think more clearly and be engaged in the process. Sleep, exercise, and eating right are all a part of taking care of oneself and should not be put aside during a divorce. This could also mean consulting with a therapist or scheduling a visit at one’s primary care physician.
RELATED: Read the latest divorce Q&As.
- Implement a Trusted Support System – Everyone should have a support system, whether that means they rely on and trust one person or multiple people. Regardless of how many people are in one’s support system, we highly encourage those in this situation to only lean on and give information to those that they fully trust. This can assure that sensitive information is not released to people that do not have one’s best interests in mind.
- Come to a Common Ground When Necessary – There may be items that both spouses feel strongly about, such as their children, the division of particular assets and liabilities, or support. However, one should try to come to agreements on as many matters as possible, particularly issues relating to minor children.
While it may not seem doable at the time, achieving a peaceful and smooth divorce is possible and has been accomplished. If you find yourself in this situation, we encourage you to contact an experienced divorce attorney to guide you through the process.
If you have questions about this information, or if you would like information about what our experienced attorneys at Wilder Mahood McKinley & Oglesby can do to help you in your divorce, contact us online or call our office in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, at 412-261-4040.
Legal Separation
Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements
Tax Issues
Same-Gender Marriage
Domestic Partnerships
Child Custody
Family Support
Mediation in Divorce Matters
Collaborative Law Services