Divorce is a life-altering event, often bringing significant financial and emotional upheaval. When a business is involved, the complexities multiply. Post-divorce business restructuring can be a critical step in ensuring the company’s continued success and providing financial stability for both parties moving forward.


In the evolving landscape of marriage, legal instruments like postnuptial agreements are gaining traction. Traditionally overshadowed by prenuptial agreements, postnuptial agreements are now increasingly recognized for their practicality and advantages. These agreements can foster healthier marriages by providing clarity and security. Let’s explore the rising popularity of postnuptial agreements, their purposes, and the benefits they offer to couples.


Ensuring the continuity of your business during a divorce is crucial to maintain stability and long-term success. Join us as we discuss the importance of business continuity planning in divorce, focusing on succession planning, management agreements, and contingency plans.

Why Business Continuity Planning Matters
Business continuity planning helps ensure that a business can continue to operate smoothly during significant disruptions, such as a divorce. Without a solid plan, businesses may face operational challenges, financial instability, and even the risk of dissolution.


Child custody agreements and orders of court relating to custody are crucial documents that outline the care and responsibilities of parents towards their children after separation or divorce. However, life is unpredictable, and circumstances may change, necessitating modifications of the agreements and/or orders of court. In this article, we’ll review the circumstances under which modifications can be made to child custody agreements and orders of court, and the procedures involved, to help parents navigate this process smoothly while prioritizing the well-being of their children.


Divorce can become a smoother process when transparency in financial matters is prioritized. In recent years, the collaborative divorce approach has gained traction as an alternative to traditional litigation. Central to this method is the emphasis on open financial communication between divorcing spouses. By disclosing assets, liabilities, and income, couples can foster trust and ensure fairness throughout the divorce proceedings.

At the heart of financial transparency in collaborative divorce lies the principle of honesty. Divorcing spouses must provide comprehensive and accurate information about their financial situation. This includes disclosing all assets, such as properties, investments, and retirement accounts, as well as liabilities such as debts and loans. Additionally, income from various sources must be openly shared. By laying all financial cards on the table, both parties can work toward equitable resolutions.


In the realm of family law, custody battles are often associated with disputes between parents. However, there are situations where grandparents, other family members, and third parties find themselves in the position of seeking custody of a child. Whether due to parental incapacity, neglect, or other circumstances, third-party custody arrangements are becoming increasingly common. Understanding the legal rights and criteria involved is crucial for those navigating such complex situations.


In the often turbulent waters of high net worth divorces, the division of assets can present unique challenges, particularly when it comes to valuable collections of art, antiques, and collectibles. Beyond the emotional strain of separating lives, the intricacies of valuing and dividing these assets add another layer of complexity to an already sensitive process.


Divorce is a complex and emotional process that often comes with its fair share of misconceptions. In this article, we aim to discredit some of the most prevalent myths surrounding divorce, shedding light on the reality of the situation and providing valuable insights for individuals navigating this challenging journey.


With the advent of collaborative law, there’s a growing emphasis on fostering open communication to make the divorce process more amicable and less adversarial. Collaborative law is a legal approach that aims to facilitate a mutually beneficial resolution of divorce-related issues without resorting to traditional litigation. Unlike courtroom battles, collaborative law encourages spouses to work together with their attorneys, financial experts, and mental health professionals to find solutions that meet the needs of both parties and any children involved.

Effective communication is the cornerstone of collaborative law. It sets the tone for a respectful and cooperative environment, allowing spouses to voice their concerns, interests, and priorities. When spouses communicate openly and honestly, they contribute to an atmosphere conducive to problem-solving rather than confrontation.


For business owners, the prospect of divorce raises questions about the fate of their hard-earned assets and the future of the company they’ve worked tirelessly to build. In such cases, a prenuptial agreement can be a powerful tool to address unique considerations and provide peace of mind. In this article, we cover the ways a prenuptial agreement can safeguard one’s business.

Before diving into the benefits of prenuptial agreements for business owners, if you have any questions about the topic or if you would like professional advice about the situation you’re in, don’t hesitate to contact us. It’s vital to make the right moves if in this situation, and leaning on an experienced attorney can ensure that.

Now, join us as we share how a business owner can benefit from having a prenup:
