Category Archives: Equitable Distribution

In high asset divorces, dividing retirement accounts can be a complex and critical component of the asset division process. Retirement accounts, including 401(k)s, IRAs, and pensions, often represent significant portions of a couple’s wealth, making their division essential to achieving an equitable division of the marital estate. Here’s a detailed guide to understanding how these […]

One of the most challenging aspects of a high asset divorce is the evaluation and division of real estate holdings. For couples with multiple properties, including primary residences, vacation homes, rental properties, and international real estate, the stakes are particularly high. The intricacies of real estate valuation, tax implications, and legal considerations make this a […]

Divorce can be an emotional challenge for many. The thought of starting a new routine may be difficult to handle as well as thinking about financial burdens that may come out of the divorce process. It is important to stay positive as starting a new chapter in life can be challenging but also rewarding. In […]

Going through a divorce can be complicated, emotional, and stressful. Not only are you separating from your spouse, but you are determining many critical aspects of your future. Will there be an award of alimony? How will the assets, including a family business, be valued? How will the ownership of the family business be decided? […]

Divorces are emotional and complicated, and the last thing you want is to settle your divorce and feel that you were not treated equitably. Each divorce is unique and there are many ways they can be exceptionally complicated such as adding family businesses, high net worth individuals, or complex support or alimony to the equation. […]

You may be assuming that everything obtained during the marriage is considered marital property. There are, however, a few exceptions. One of those exceptions is an inheritance received during the marriage or the corpus of an inheritance received prior to the marriage. However, you must take steps to preserve the non-marital nature of the inheritance […]

A high net worth divorce has traditionally been defined as a divorce involving more than one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) in net liquid assets. The recent divorce case involving Jeff Bezos, the Amazon CEO, and his wife MacKenzie shows how extensive the division of property, stocks, and other assets can be.

Divorces and the economic aspects relating to divorces are complicated and involve many issues that need to be taken into consideration. When one or both of the parties is a high net worth individual, the divorce is taken to a whole other level. Because there are significant personal and/or business assets at stake, the divorce […]

If you are in a relationship that you feel is leading to a separation, you could be overwhelmed by the thought of what this could mean for you, your finances, your living arrangement, and especially your children. Preparing yourself for this situation before it happens is one of the best things you can do. It […]

If you’re in the middle of a divorce in Pennsylvania, The Pennsylvania Divorce Code provides for Equitable Distribution of Marital Property. While it’s great to know this, what does it mean and how does it affect you and your divorce case? Below are a few explanations to help make sense of it all.