A divorce or separation can create a lot of stress for everyone involved, and if children are a part of the picture, it is not an easy task to keep it together in front of them through the process. For that reason, it can be a relief when the divorce or end of the relationship is final. When that time comes, though, another challenge awaits—the challenge of co-parenting.

While it may seem hard to realize at the time, co-parenting does not have to be difficult or stressful. One way to avoid the complexities of co-parenting is by communicating up front about how things will be handled. Once ground rules are in place, it can make each parent feel more comfortable about the arrangement. To help someone in this situation think through what topics they should discuss with their ex up front, we have included some ideas below:


Agreements can be very useful tools for marriages and can come in handy during a divorce. Family agreements, including the settlement of disputes by agreement between husbands and wives, are favored in Pennsylvania and are generally presumed to be valid, binding, and non-modifiable by the courts.

Because of the seriousness of entering an agreement, it is critical that one understands the ins and outs of the agreement and how it can positively, as well as negatively, affect them before signing one. We advise someone wanting to enter into an agreement to consult with an experienced attorney to ensure they cover all bases and meet the requirements of Pennsylvania law. To help one get started, below are a few of the family agreements that one can enter along with a description of each:


If someone is having marital problems, how can they determine if divorce is the right solution for their relationship? That question is not easily answered since each relationship has its own set of unique circumstances. Perhaps they have children that they need to consider, or they should give their marriage more attention before resorting to divorce. Or maybe one or both spouses in a marriage is a high net worth individual which is even more complicated.

One thing is true: marriage is a legal contract and is a serious commitment that deserves effort and thoughtfulness from both parties. While the reasons for divorce may be very different and unique, taking into consideration the following matters can help someone in that uncertain situation think more thoroughly about that next step and facilitate their thought process:


A high net worth divorce can be a difficult process and take a toll on one’s financial and mental states. Many who go through this process might anticipate the day that the divorce is final; however, there is another journey that begins at that time: learning how to bounce back with life after divorce.

The stage that comes after a divorce can be looked at in many different ways; perhaps it is an exciting time when one finally feels free from the burdens of their marriage or maybe it is a devastating time when one does not know how to rebuild their life and put the pieces back together. Whichever way one looks at this next stage, we have outlined 5 ways that can help one bounce back so a fresh start can begin:


After spouses go through the divorce process, many are presented with a new role to learn and manage – one most common role being that of a co-parent. It can be difficult to navigate this new role while being newly divorced, and leaning on an experienced divorce attorney is one way to help ensure the right moves and decisions are being made.

Co-parenting is when two parents that have separated or divorced raise a child together but in separate residences. This can be a dreadful scenario for some who have a tough time communicating with their ex, let alone being in the same room; however, it is absolutely feasible for separated or divorced parents to raise their child successfully and give their child the best life possible. If you find yourself in this position, below are five tips to keep in mind to help you navigate your new role as a co-parent:


Super Lawyers has announced Attorney Brian McKinley as one the latest attorneys at Wilder Mahood McKinley & Oglesby to be listed as a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer.  As a Super Lawyer, Brian has been recognized as one of the premiere attorneys practicing in family law in the Pittsburgh area.  Brian was nominated for the honor by his peers and confirmed by a select panel of attorneys practicing in family law.  Brian is now in his 20th year of stridently representing family law litigants in Western Pennsylvania.

A high net worth individual is typically considered to be someone who owns $1 million or more in liquid assets. Many high net worth individuals have this money in a form that can be quickly converted into cash such as a savings account, stocks, bonds, and/or a certificate of deposit.

When one or both parties in a marriage is a high net worth individual, and they are approaching a divorce, they should be aware that their divorce may not follow the traditional process. This is due to the numerous assets that will need to be settled. It is a great reminder to take the necessary steps to protect assets including a consultation with an experienced divorce attorney. For those that find themselves in this situation, we have outlined a few of the ways a high net worth divorce can differ from a traditional divorce:


One very important topic during a divorce is alimony. Alimony serves as a means to help a party meet their reasonable needs when their income and the assets awarded in equitable distribution are insufficient to meet those reasonable needs. It is not an easy topic no matter what side one is on.

We understand the stress alimony may cause someone going through a divorce because alimony can affect one’s financial landscape for years to come. Due to the possible financial repercussions, one should ensure they have the best representation to support them through the process. An experienced divorce attorney is key, in addition to keeping these tips in mind:


Life after divorce is a lot like starting over, or at least it can feel that way.  It can be a scary feeling knowing that new things are ahead – or it can be looked at as an exciting, new beginning. Either way, a part of this starting over period includes the topic of finances, which may include readjusting budgets, rebuilding a savings account, or planning on big purchases ahead such as a new home.

Finances are complicated and can be a burden when going through a divorce as well as after the divorce is final. One way to avoid financial issues due to a divorce is to have an experienced divorce attorney by one’s side during the divorce process. The experienced attorney will look out for one’s best interests which most definitely will include their finances. In addition to consulting with a divorce attorney, the below tips can help one avoid letting finances get the best of them and can help them recover financially from a divorce:


When going through a divorce, it can be easy to get caught up in all of the stress and chaos that may accompany the process. From the appointments to the packing and moving and especially the child custody concerns, it may feel near impossible to take “me” time or to step back and get centered. 

When one’s challenges push them off balance, such as challenges related to divorce, it can take a toll on their mental and physical state. It is very important to be mindful and have a reference point or a place to come back to when in this situation, and while it may seem unreachable during all the chaos, it is possible. Remember that by taking care of oneself first, that person can better take care of those around them, such as their children. For those in this situation, we put together a few tips to help one be mindful during their divorce:
