Divorce is an emotionally challenging and life-altering process. It marks the end of a chapter and paves the way for a new beginning. However, amidst the emotional turmoil, it is crucial to understand the practical steps involved in filing for divorce.

Whether someone is considering taking this monumental step or has already made the decision, having a clear roadmap can provide the guidance needed to navigate the complexities of the legal system. Below is a list of the essential steps to take when filing for divorce:


Divorce is a challenging process, and when high net worth individuals are involved, it becomes even more complex. High net worth divorces often involve substantial assets, businesses, international investments, and intricate financial structures, making it necessary to involve multiple professionals to ensure everything is covered.

Due to the complexity of high net worth divorces, we have included details below about the international aspects of high net worth divorces, shedding light on the unique challenges faced by individuals and the importance of professional guidance, especially from a knowledgeable divorce attorney.


When starting the journey of divorce, it may seem like reaching the other side will never happen. While every divorce is unique and has its own twists and turns, one thing many divorces have in common is that they can be complicated—from the child custody arrangement to the property division, no divorce is exactly clear cut and resolvable without preparation and effort.

The parties involved in a divorce likely look forward to reaching the end and moving on to start a new path in their lives. Due to all the anticipation of getting the divorce over with, many do not know much about the divorce decree, which is the last step in the legal divorce process. Due to this, we put together some questions and answers below related to this final and important step:


Ending a marriage may sound like a clear-cut decision to make, and it very well might be, but one who makes this decision needs to be prepared for what is to come next. What assets does one expect to keep after the divorce is final? If children are involved, how will custody be handled? Does the couple own a business? If so, who will retain the business and how will it be operated? Being prepared for these situations can help one feel more confident during the important discussions.

Due to the many items a couple will have to tackle in order to complete a divorce, thinking through all of the items beforehand is ever important. When someone approaches a divorce, the last thing they need is to be overwhelmed and confused by what they want or what might occur. To help someone in this situation be prepared, below is a list of topics to consider before the divorce process begins:


What percent of marriages will end in divorce in 2023? In the United States, between 35%-50% of first-time marriages end in divorce, increasing to approximately 60% for second marriages and 70+% for marriages after the second, according to World Population Review. With these statistics in mind, it makes many of us wonder why marriage is still sought after in the first place. However, when a couple falls in love, their hearts may lead them onto a path that they never imagined they would go.

There are many factors that can cause a marriage to lead to divorce, some being intimacy, finances, communication, change in family dynamics, and changes to one’s lifestyle. No one stays the same forever—daily interactions and events may cause one to change—and this change or multiple changes may cause a relationship to suffer if it cannot adapt.


When deciding what divorce process is best for one’s situation, mediation may be one of the processes considered. Mediation allows a divorcing couple to collaborate on a solution to divorce, support, property division, and custody issues outside of court, without relying on a judge to make these decisions. A personal and caring mediation environment may lead to a more harmonious resolution to domestic relations issues, which is why this divorce process is becoming increasingly popular.

One consideration to keep in mind about mediation is that each spouse may be more involved in the negotiations as compared to a traditional divorce. Granted, the mediation environment and one’s representation will provide the support they need, but each spouse will have a bigger part in the conversation. If one finds themselves in this situation, the below tips and strategies can help them be their best during the negotiations:


A lot of headaches and stress can occur during a divorce when two spouses are navigating through items associated with their children. This is because children are of the utmost importance, and their wants and needs should be at the forefront of the decisions to ensure that they have the best care and situation possible.

One item that may be brought up in relation to divorce and children is child support. Typically, the parent with the majority of custody time, as defined by overnight custody, will receive child support from the other parent. The child support order should outline all the expected situations regarding support, a significant one being uninsured medical expenses. Here are a few things to keep in mind regarding that topic:


There will be many adjustments in one’s life after a divorce is finalized—from getting used to being single, to the situation of being a co-parent, to transitioning from two salaries to one. While all the emotional and situational adjustments are difficult, the financial adjustments can be one of the more stressful obstacles.

It is normal to feel overwhelmed during this period of transition, but rest assured, once a routine is established, these everyday situations and financial adjustments will become easier. To help one adjust more easily to their financial changes after divorce, below are a few tips and considerations for them to keep in mind:


Almost all divorce proceedings result in a final divorce decree, ending the marriage. While that is the finality  of a divorce proceeding, there is so much more that goes into reaching such conclusion. There is the division of assets and debts, which is known as equitable distribution, custody determinations including parenting plans, support such as child and spousal support, and more.

One significant factor in a divorce is the net worth of the spouses involved. This factor can either make the divorce more straightforward or much more complicated. High net worth divorces may include all of the items listed above, but with a more complex asset division and support. To help someone approaching a high net worth divorce understand how their divorce may differ from a more typical divorce, we listed some of the differences below:


There are many different topics that can arise as part of a divorce, but one of the bigger topics of discussion, and sometimes the most stressful, is alimony. Alimony serves as a means to help a party meet their reasonable needs when their income and the assets awarded in equitable distribution are insufficient to meet those reasonable needs.

When a spouse thinks of alimony, they may automatically picture themselves in court to settle the topic, but this does not have to be the case. Mediation can be a helpful process to consider, instead. Mediation allows a divorcing couple to collaborate on a solution to divorce, support, property division, and custody issues outside of court, without relying on a judge to make these decisions. A personal and caring mediation environment may lead to a more harmonious resolution to domestic relations issues.
