The topic of divorce can be scary for anyone, but for a high net worth individual, it can be even more daunting. All the assets that a high net worth individual has are put on the line and can cause the divorce to be longer, more stressful, and more expensive with the end result being more devastating than a typical divorce.
To help someone in this situation get through the divorce process successfully, we highly encourage them to find the right divorce attorney. Without the right representation and the right experience, their divorce could end up as described above, with hard-earned money and assets taken away from them. To help someone who is wealthy find the right attorney for their high asset divorce, we put together the below characteristics one in this situation should look for in their attorney:
- They have experience with high asset divorces. We highly recommend finding an attorney that has plenty of experience in high net worth divorce cases. The attorney’s website should cover this topic, and the attorney should be able to provide background information on their experience, what types of cases they have dealt with the most, how long they have been working with these types of cases, etc. This is easily one of the most important characteristics of an attorney that one approaching a high net worth divorce case should consider and feel confident about.
RELATED: Learn about these unique factors in a high net worth divorce.
- They help their client feel at ease during the consultation. Not only should someone in this situation find an attorney with the right experience, but they should also feel comfortable when meeting with the attorney; otherwise, the divorce process can be long and uncomfortable. Since every person is different, not every attorney will be the right fit for everyone.
- They take the time to listen. A high net worth divorce is complicated, and usually has many unique items to consider—from different types of assets to family businesses and other financial relationships. The right divorce attorney should take the time to listen to what their client has to say about their situation so the attorney can understand the whole picture and where the client is coming from.
- They can explain complicated topics in a way that their client understands. Lastly, an attorney should be able to explain the complicated law topics in a way that helps one understand what it means to their case. Not understanding the different terms and conditions of the divorce process can be stressful and should not be one of the stresses that someone in this situation has to deal with on top of everything else that is involved with a divorce.
The key takeaways are: a high net worth divorce does not have to end in ruin and having the right representation is key. If you are approaching a high net worth divorce, we hope the characteristics above can help you find the right attorney for your unique case.
For information about what our experienced attorneys at Wilder Mahood McKinley & Oglesby can do to help you in your high asset divorce, contact us online or call our office in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, at 412-261-4040.
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