Category Archives: Divorce

The topic of divorce is complicated, and no two divorces are the same. Because of this, it is hard to lean on friends and family for guidance when navigating through all of the twists and turns of the divorce process. It is important to remember that there are trusted divorce attorneys that someone in this […]

When parents are entering a divorce and/or a custody proceeding, a lot more is at stake than themselves and their material and monetary items—the importance of their relationship with their children and their children’s future will likely surpass everything else. We understand the amount of stress this situation can bring, and highly advise those going […]

When someone goes through a divorce, they are presented with many new beginnings and many firsts to make their own. These can be uncertain times or times of sadness and grieving, but one can also view this as an opportunity to make the most of the new path they are on. One new beginning that […]

How does someone know if their divorce is considered high net worth? A high net worth divorce has traditionally been defined as a divorce involving more than one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) in assets. This question is important to think about as there are unique considerations to keep in mind if someone is in this situation, […]

A divorce or separation can create a lot of stress for everyone involved, and if children are a part of the picture, it is not an easy task to keep it together in front of them through the process. For that reason, it can be a relief when the divorce or end of the relationship […]

If someone is having marital problems, how can they determine if divorce is the right solution for their relationship? That question is not easily answered since each relationship has its own set of unique circumstances. Perhaps they have children that they need to consider, or they should give their marriage more attention before resorting to […]

A high net worth divorce can be a difficult process and take a toll on one’s financial and mental states. Many who go through this process might anticipate the day that the divorce is final; however, there is another journey that begins at that time: learning how to bounce back with life after divorce. The […]

After spouses go through the divorce process, many are presented with a new role to learn and manage – one most common role being that of a co-parent. It can be difficult to navigate this new role while being newly divorced, and leaning on an experienced divorce attorney is one way to help ensure the […]

A high net worth individual is typically considered to be someone who owns $1 million or more in liquid assets. Many high net worth individuals have this money in a form that can be quickly converted into cash such as a savings account, stocks, bonds, and/or a certificate of deposit. When one or both parties […]

One very important topic during a divorce is alimony. Alimony serves as a means to help a party meet their reasonable needs when their income and the assets awarded in equitable distribution are insufficient to meet those reasonable needs. It is not an easy topic no matter what side one is on. We understand the […]