Category Archives: Divorce

Divorce is a life-altering event at any age, but when it happens later in life, often referred to as a “grey divorce,” it comes with its own set of unique challenges and financial implications. After decades of shared history, children, and accumulated assets, separating in one’s 50s or beyond can be emotionally and financially taxing. […]

Divorce is a difficult and emotionally charged process, which becomes even more intricate when substantial assets are at stake. As the complexities of financial matters intertwine with emotional turmoil, the need for expert assistance becomes paramount. In the realm of high asset divorce cases, the role of forensic accountants, coupled with a skilled attorney, is […]

Divorce is a challenging and emotionally charged process for any couple, but when high net worth individuals decide to part ways, it comes with a unique set of privacy concerns. High net worth divorces often involve significant assets, complex financial arrangements, and high-profile individuals, which can attract unwanted public attention and jeopardize personal and financial […]

Going through a high-asset divorce can be complex and challenging. The division of property, investments, businesses, and other valuable assets can quickly escalate into a contentious battle. However, there are steps one can take to protect their interests and ensure a fair settlement or outcome in litigation. Read below as we explore some crucial strategies […]

Divorce is often a challenging and emotionally draining process, and when it involves a high level of conflict, the stakes can feel even higher. However, with the right approach and mindset, it is possible to navigate a high-conflict divorce while prioritizing one’s well-being and achieving a favorable outcome. We understand how stressful a high-conflict divorce […]

Divorce is an emotionally challenging and life-altering process. It marks the end of a chapter and paves the way for a new beginning. However, amidst the emotional turmoil, it is crucial to understand the practical steps involved in filing for divorce. Whether someone is considering taking this monumental step or has already made the decision, […]

Divorce is a challenging process, and when high net worth individuals are involved, it becomes even more complex. High net worth divorces often involve substantial assets, businesses, international investments, and intricate financial structures, making it necessary to involve multiple professionals to ensure everything is covered. Due to the complexity of high net worth divorces, we […]

When starting the journey of divorce, it may seem like reaching the other side will never happen. While every divorce is unique and has its own twists and turns, one thing many divorces have in common is that they can be complicated—from the child custody arrangement to the property division, no divorce is exactly clear […]

Ending a marriage may sound like a clear-cut decision to make, and it very well might be, but one who makes this decision needs to be prepared for what is to come next. What assets does one expect to keep after the divorce is final? If children are involved, how will custody be handled? Does […]

What percent of marriages will end in divorce in 2023? In the United States, between 35%-50% of first-time marriages end in divorce, increasing to approximately 60% for second marriages and 70+% for marriages after the second, according to World Population Review. With these statistics in mind, it makes many of us wonder why marriage is […]