Divorces are never easy or pleasant. The old saying “choose your battles” has never been more salient than in the context of a divorce proceeding. Therefore, the first consideration for any person going through a divorce, especially one in which substantial assets are involved, is the cost associated with achieving your legal objectives; both emotionally and financially.
Listed below are 5 of the more common mistakes that many High Net Worth Individuals make during a divorce. They include:
Failure to Consider Tax Consequences: Tax considerations are a critical component of a high net worth divorce.
When you divorce and you receive certain assets you could be taxed on distributions or you could agree on an alimony amount based on your budget without considering how much you will actually clear after taxes. Work with your attorney and a financial advisor to gain a clear picture of the true implications of distributions and alimony.
Hiding Assets: Some spouses think that they can simply transfer their valuable assets to a third party such as a business partner or child from a former marriage. These kinds of transfers can, and usually are, seen as fraudulent thus impacting one of the most important factors in a courtroom: trust and credibility. Hiding any of your assets is not worth the short and long term potential impact. When it’s apparent that you have transferred funds in an effort to hide them, you will be in a losing position for everything else related to a proper or reasonable divorce settlement. (more…)