Category Archives: High Net Worth Divorce

A high net worth divorce can be a difficult process and take a toll on one’s financial and mental states. Many who go through this process might anticipate the day that the divorce is final; however, there is another journey that begins at that time: learning how to bounce back with life after divorce. The […]

A high net worth individual is typically considered to be someone who owns $1 million or more in liquid assets. Many high net worth individuals have this money in a form that can be quickly converted into cash such as a savings account, stocks, bonds, and/or a certificate of deposit. When one or both parties […]

When one approaches a high net worth divorce, they often experience the normal complexities of divorce along with additional hurdles such as a more extensive list of assets, complicated business ties, valuations concerns, etc.  This often leads those going through a high net worth divorce to be stressed and overly protective of their finances. Regular […]

The divorce process can not only be tough on your emotions, but it can also be tough on your financial resources. Finances are one of the topics most divorcing couples fear because the unknown of the future can be daunting. When one or both spouses are a high net worth individual, things can get even […]

A high net worth divorce is more complicated than a typical divorce in many ways. The topics of business interests, real estate, finances, and investments, among other items, create a more complex situation. One of the best things you can do if approaching a high net worth divorce is to lean on an experienced divorce […]

High net worth divorces can be extremely complicated due to the assets, investments, and businesses involved. The added layer of complexity that high net worth cases bring can have many couples panicked and feeling protective of their share and interests. One of these main interests that couples may worry about is that of their children. […]

No divorce is easy. Each divorce has its own unique circumstances that could make it feel challenging at times. When you add the addition of a high net worth individual to the mix, the divorce gets even more complex due to all the assets that need to be considered. If you are in a high […]

It is not uncommon for someone to be unaware of the ins and outs of divorce unless they work with the subject on a day-to-day basis. Because of this, if a divorce is something you are considering, you likely have many questions such as: what is involved with a divorce, how are the family assets […]

If you know you are approaching a divorce, and are in a high net worth marriage, you may feel stuck because of all the assets, investments, businesses, etc. that you manage or take part in. One of the first questions someone might ask you is if you have a prenuptial agreement with your spouse.  If […]

It is not a secret that one of the leading reasons for divorce is money, and since high net worth marriages involve more money than other marriages, money plays an even more significant role when high net worth divorces occur.