No divorce is easy. Each divorce has its own unique circumstances that could make it feel challenging at times. When you add the addition of a high net worth individual to the mix, the divorce gets even more complex due to all the assets that need to be considered.
If you are in a high net worth marriage and are contemplating divorce, one important piece of advice to keep in mind is: start your divorce off on the right foot by finding the right attorney for your case. You need an attorney that has the right expertise and experience to support you and guide you so you can achieve the outcome most desirable to you. If you are in this situation, here are some tips to help ensure you find the right attorney for your high net worth divorce case:
Experience with High-Value Assets: There is a greater risk of error during a high net worth divorce due to the large amount of assets and property to assess and divide. Ensure your attorney has successfully worked with high-value assets, businesses, and international assets to help eliminate the risk of error.
Professionally Well-Rounded: While experience with high net worth divorces is a critical attribute to look for in an attorney, finding an attorney that is also well-rounded can be beneficial to your divorce. For example, if your divorce attorney has experience with mediation, your attorney can explain this option and others to you so you can decide which route is best for your situation.
Works with Financial Experts: Ensure your divorce attorney has experience working with financial experts. For example, a forensic accountant may be needed to help locate all relevant assets for appraisement, and an appraiser may be needed to assess values for things like real estate, jewelry, art, antiques and so forth.
Success with Divorce Conflicts: The right attorney for your high net worth divorce case should be comfortable with and have had success with high net worth divorce conflicts. It is common for these types of divorces to involve disputes over assets, ambiguity regarding finances, battles over businesses, etc. and your attorney should be ready to jump in and properly guide you if these conflicts arise during your case.
Trust Your Gut: Lastly, but certainly not least, you should feel at ease and confident with the divorce attorney you choose to support you and your case. High net worth divorces tend to take longer than a typical divorce case because there is so much more at stake which is even more reason why you should feel comfortable with your attorney as they will be working with you by your side during the whole process.
RELATED: Read more about what’s at stake in a high net worth divorce.
Seeking the help from an experienced divorce attorney that is right for your case is key to protecting yourself during your high net worth divorce. With the right support, you will be able to navigate all the issues that may come up during your divorce which can set you up for a positive future.
For information about what our experienced attorneys at Wilder Mahood McKinley & Oglesby can do to help you in your high net worth divorce, contact us online or call our office in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, at 412-261-4040.
Legal Separation
Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements
Tax Issues
Same-Gender Marriage
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Child Custody
Family Support
Mediation in Divorce Matters