Category Archives: Agreements

Issues facing high net worth individuals entering a divorce are often much different from the issues faced by lower/middle income individuals.  As such, they must be planned for and approached in a manner befitting the unique issues that need to be addressed.  There are simply more financial resources to fund, support and to share. Substantial […]

While divorce between couples with low- to mid-level wealth is focused on ending the partnership peacefully, high net worth individuals (HNWIs) must evaluate the effect of a divorce on accumulated wealth through self-owned business operations. If both parties within the marriage contributed to the revenue from operations or growth of the business, the business is […]

Divorces are never easy or pleasant.  The old saying “choose your battles” has never been more salient than in the context of a divorce proceeding. Therefore, the first consideration for any person going through a divorce, especially one in which substantial assets are involved, is the cost associated with achieving your legal objectives; both emotionally […]

In Lugg v. Lugg, 64 A.3d 1109 (Pa.Super. 2013), the Superior Court affirmed the trial court’s decision regarding the parties’ postnuptial agreement. Husband and Wife were married for approximately 13 years, having had three children during the course of their marriage. In August, 2010, in contemplation of divorce, the parties began negotiating a postnuptial agreement. […]